Katherine sent this to me some time ago, but I never could find the email. Her husband showed it to me today. Love… it…. I’m such a nerd.
Image via Wikipedia I remember as a kid, my parents restricting television and video game use because they would both make me stupid and violent. They worked too hard, so I had plenty unsupervised time to violate the rules. Plus no force would make me do homework. The past half decade has seen a resurgence…
Star Trek: The Experience is shutting down September First? Geeks don’t make the annual pilgrimage to pray at the alter of the captain’s chair. Maybe Vegas is too expensive. Between dropping hundreds monthly on movie tickets, DVDs, comics, and video games, spending three months rent to see ST:XP doesn’t have the right magic.
One of the reasons my photos sets are more full of flowers than buildings is people don’t call the FBI over pictures of flowers. While it is perfectly legal to take pictures of buildings from public spaces, it makes “victims” nervous. No one cares about flowers. I can take all the pictures I want without…
There is a slight difference between FriendFeed and an RSS aggregator? According to the site, “FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing.” It is using the RSS feeds of the various sites. So, like an RSS aggregator, FF pulls information from…
Ran across a video describing how to get the WebDAV info in CE6 (aka Blackboard Vista 4 Lite) for the purpose of using CE6 as a network drive. The narrator says this is a good idea because if the site has good policies, then backups are being made. In the event of a site disaster,…
A bunch of videos I took while in Valdosta last week. Read and post comments | Send to a friend
Some video I took while down in Valdosta last week. I already posted the first four to Google Video. I eventually figured out how to get them to YouTube. Best ones in bold. Should Write Everything Down All of them? Men don’t like sitting around Juggling Job & Medical Stuff Took off both? Barbara does…
Finally got over my YouTube issue…. Basically, the upload form said files were limited to 100MB. That’s like 1 minute for the default settings of my Canon Elph (640×480 @ 60 fps). So I end up not having to use longer videos I shot. Until I found Google Video had a downloadable tool to push…