It started with a tweet on Saturday morning. @MsIngalls:Â When I go to the Checklist in @Desire2Learn -when I am logged in – I get an error message that says my log in has expired – ideas? #d2l This sounded like an issue we had in WebCT Vista product I called Failed Sessions. FSes occur when…
Surprised I have not posted prior about this. Gmail allows one to use and have it delivered to Use it to sign up for web sites or things and filter later. Should this address be compromised, you can create a filter to delete anything sent through just that address. Keep in mind… Though I…
Working with our clients on LDAP configuration almost invariable starts with SSL certificates. Self-signed, intermediate, and take up a while. The two tools, openSSL and keytool have become my friends. Working with a network admin for the client, IÂ finally saw the legitimate certificate correctly signed by the intermediate certificate not the self-signed. This means I…
Occasionally I’ll want to see the usernames who use something like a user-agent property or were doing something during a range of time. Rather than report all the log lines and pick them out of the data, I use this which Blackboard (or maybe BEA added). Note  we’ve added user-agents to the webserver.log. The double…
A ticket landed at the DBA’s feet having to do with users not being able to login after logout. My first thought was it had to be the custom login page. So I recommended the Branding settings be checked that the same file id was used for both the login and logout pages. They were.…
If you cannot find me, then you are not looking. If you search on Facebook for Ezra Freelove, then I am the only result at the moment. Maybe all you knew was Ezra and the city where I lived? Facebook search is not so great you could find me through my first name plus something…
So, I got this error… Unknown WebCT username or invalid password. Please verify the admin user and password in the IMS Settings. I assumed the username and password were probably right. I had to find my error somewhere else. The error turned out to be one missing character out of the 57 character long glcid.…