Tag: TiVo

  • Recorded an episode of Psych because I know people who like it. Its okay, but I probably won’t make a season pass for it.  Skipping past the commercials, I recognized the characters, so I stopped. Only to find myself watching a commercial featuring the show’s characters. That is SO wrong. Smart way to catch those…

  • A few weeks ago when I got home from out of town, I could not find the remote to my TiVo. On the third day, I ran to Best Buy to acquire a universal remote replacement. The replacement lacked critical usability features. Several buttons were simply missing: Select button to navigate the menus. Guide button…

  • Waste Not

    Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of forwarded or group invites for kinds of things about not buying gas for a day, not buying gas from the two largest oil companies, or even everyone not using electricity for an hour (One Hour NO Power). These are ambitious endeavors for problems I agree are present. My…

  • Sorry I’ve neglected this site. Work has keep me pretty occupied. TiVo rules my life. New city and things to do have kept me out of the house more than normal. I’ve found some pretty good places to blog. People read blogs now. 🙂 Some suggestion: Visit my Flickr photos. Visit my Livejournal blog (mostly…

  • C’mon people. Don’t do anything that will make me miss the biggest sporting event in the past 4 years! Maybe I need to go back and set TiVo to record both showings? World Cup matchup: FIFA vs. the hackers | CNET News.com Roger Jones, Avaya’s business development manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa,…