Tag: support

  • Just posted an internal email about what we ought to do about the End-of-Service announcement for Netscape. Usage of Netscape browsers has plummet even as Firefox as increased. Its finally hit the floor such that even AOL has given up on it. Why did they make NN 9? A snapshot of its use relative to…

  • Originally posted January 15, 2004. v4 means its the fourth incarnation of this blog. This post was in v3. Thankfully, MovableType writes the content to files meaning there is a lasting archive. That reminds me… Need to put on the calendar to do regular backups of this blog. Back to the post: Did A Stupid…

  • Enrollments

    In spelunking the Vista database, the main pieces of an enrollment are the user, the learning context, the membership, the role, and the role’s label. Its almost trivial how easily these tie together. Once you have them, then you can do all kinds of cool things… Administrator reports Section Designer role was deleted but the…

  • This is intended to be a more thoughtful response to Laura regarding Course Management Systems and the need for innovation. Currently, Course Management Systems are bloatware. They got this way by trying to provide everything to everyone. One instructor wants a feature, the university presses for this feature, the CMS programmers put in the feature.…

  • Simple Form

    Online classes can get a bad reputation when they are difficult to use. Jonathan has some excellent, simple suggestions appropriate form of materials for online classes. These are all suggestions I learned to make over my years attempting to provide support for CE and Vista. I now have 2-3 people between me and faculty members.…

  • Several of us saw a demo of Coradiant Truesight yesterday (first mentioned in the BbWorld Monitoring post). Most of the demo, I spent trying to figure out the name Jeff Goldblum as one of team giving the demo had the voice and mannerisms of the actor’s characters. Had he mentioned a butterfly, then I definitely…

  • Hi, Your Mexican hold musak shows your obvious great taste. Why interrupt it every 30 seconds with, “Please standby. Your call is important to us.”? I know its important or you would not have let me stay on the line for 23 minutes. The lady in India who talked to me handled to the case…

  • Today I received an email announcing new certification courses from Blackboard. Every administrator around our system did as well. We have a large body of certified trainers and administrators with multiple individuals at every campus who have been through the certification plus all the functional support have been through both training and admin certification. I’m…

  • links for 2007-10-31

    Hope, loss, and bicycles in Zambia – World Blog – msnbc.com (tags: charity) National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Ten Endangered U.S. Beach Towns Named (tags: science geography) ADL Community: Supporting the Global Advancement of Distributed Learning (tags: standards community collaboration learning education) How to kill or close all running programs in Windows quickly (tags: software.microsoft.windows)…