Tag: SSH

  • I ran across this photo of an amazing painting on Flickr. Derrick says: The story goes that the young Sesshu loved to draw. His love of drawing was so great that one time when he was tied to a post as punishment for an infraction at the temple he created a picture of a mouse…

  • So many to cover let me number them. Trillian has been my IM client of choice since their beta. I’ve used Gaim and any number of programs who do multiple IMs from one client but found them lacking. Trillian was even the first software for which I was willing to pay my own money. (Otherwise…

  • Places where works of SesshÅ« Tōyō are kept: The Freer Gallery, Washington, D.C. The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Mass. The National Museum of Tokyo I wish I’d known about his work being at MFA Boston which I was near last week. I’d heard his work was at the Freer Gallery, but I got…