Tag: reading goal

  • Today is the end of the third month, so where am I with those goals? Reading goals: Complete unfinished novel series. 7 of 24 done. That is 29%. I should be at 25%. So I am a little ahead. American History and Decision Making. 2 of 9 done. That is 22%. So a behind 25%. (A quarter…

  • My resolutions for 2010 involved a lot of reading, improving my cooking repertoire, improving my photography repertoire, and having fun in the present. In goal accounting for 2010, 2 were successful and 2 not. Except for the reading goal, the other three were well outside my comfort zone.  I forgot my statement for the resolutions in 2009.…

  • My resolutions for 2009 involved reading good stuff and being more social. More or less they were successful. I read fulfilled the reading goal by October. To fulfill the social goal, I attended most of the BrunchBunch, Athens Flickr Meetups, Athens Strobist Meetups, and even lunches with coworkers. These were by and large successful. So,…