Tag: posted 2012

  • William Shakespeare’s bithplace and home in Stratford-Upon-Avon. (Tourist trap) I took this in March 2002 when I was in England. That was a fantastic trip where we got to see lots of interesting places.

  • Some people identify me as a reader. Fifty books a year sounds way beyond them. Even ten books a year can seem unattainable. Lifehacker’s How to Fit Reading Into Your Schedule and Actually Finish the Books You Want to Read is an okay start. Its suggestions: Schedule a Daily Reading Time Organize or Join a Book…

  • Kudos to Lindsey for recommending this. I had watched it before he said something, but I was surprised that I had not posted it on this blog because… I. LOVE. THIS. TALK. I’m not this obsessive when I get interested in something. Like Adam though, I never feel I know have or done enough. MythBusters…

  • A conversation with the father/grandfather of family friends was about the need of intellectuals in politics. If he meant intellectual as in a natural philosopher which we typically refer to now as scientists, then I would agree. Then again, I really like the flow of try, analyze results, and determine if successful or not. Also,…

  • Prom Signalling

    “Prom season spending is spiraling out of control as teens continuously try to one-up each other,” said Jason Alderman, senior director of global financial education for Visa. “It’s important to remember that the prom is a high school dance, not a wedding, and parents need to set limits in order to demonstrate financial responsibility.” From Average…

  • 1. A mind willing to consider new ideas. (source) Tuesday I had the bounty of serving on a trial jury. Perhaps even more so for being chosen to be the foreperson. Many people gave me advice for how to get out of serving on the jury. None of it I memorized because I was kind…

  • When I go to a party, I would much rather to find a discussion about something ideological than anything else that tends to happen at them like drinking alcohol, dancing, or losing my hearing. Also, I should do a better job apologizing after the fact when in the heat of the moment I take a…

  • Catherine who I follow on Twitter retweeted about agreeing with this blog post: Last night while sitting at a pub with some friends, the topic of information came up. My friend Tom, in particular, had a few interesting things to say about it. I asked him if he thought that constantly being tapped into the stream of information that…

  • You Can Teach Problem Solving and You Should (PDF of a PPT) Any skill is teachable. “Working with bozos is not fun. People who cannot problem solve will behave like bozos.” The LMS: It’s Not All About You The core value proposition of the LMS is that it allows instructors with limited technical skills to create and manage…