Tag: posted 2012

  • SC Not The End

    It bothers me that some news media personalities claim former Governor Mitt Romney only needs to win in South Carolina to wrap up the nomination. He needs 1,144 delegate votes to win outright. He has 6 to 13 depending on which estimate one uses on how Iowan delegates will be distributed. He has 7 from…

  • Here is the true meaning and value of compassion and nonviolence, when it helps us to see the enemy’s point of view, to hear his questions, to know his assessment of ourselves. For from his view we may indeed see the basic weaknesses of our own condition, and if we are mature, we may learn and…

  • January 18th and 23rd are planned blackout days for a number of web sites in protest to passing the Stop Online Piracy Act. Existing legislation like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act already reveal copyright owners ask to shut down web sites even when there is no infringing material. Granting them more power seems like a bad…

  • Prettier hair and hats

    Everyone should take a few minutes (meaning a few hours once you get sucked in) and take a look at Quora. The concept of the site is to use crowdsourcing for answers to questions. Questions are asked of the community. People choose to answer. For example, someone asked: “Why did people wear more hats in the…

  • Consider this Cyborg Stephen Hawking Part II. Our understanding of the brain is so very underwhelming. Ran across an interesting article: Brain electrodes fix depression long term. Deep depression that fails to respond to any other form of therapy can be moderated or reversed by stimulation of areas deep inside the brain. Now the first placebo-controlled…

  • Stephen Hawking missed his 70th birthday party this past weekend. He was not feeling well. There has been quite a bit floating around the Internet about how he as survived decades after getting an estimated months to live. Even Intel talked up how they are working on a way to help him speak faster. Speaking…

  • David Wilkinson has a cool tool I like called Flickr Set Manager. It daily looks at my photos and updates several sets of my photos. One is my most interesting 120 photos. The others are the most interesting 30 photos for each year. Below is a slideshow for 2011.

  • Back in my Netscape 3 days, my bookmark.html was incompletely saved losing about 2/3rds of the file. Researching how to fix it revealed to me the file was just an HTML file. My new editing skills could not recover it, but I could make a new copy and fix individual entry losses. Making a copy…

  • This blog has suffered from my sharing on social media. Where I used to post every day, even just one liners to go check out a web site or a story, that activity is now all on Facebook, Twitter, Google+. HackEducation does a weekly post of news. I am thinking about doing something similar for…