Requirement: Boss wants an email on the 14th of the month and day before last weekday of the month with a status update. This is so the boss can combine and submit the information on the 15th and last weekday of the month. Reoccurring Outlook calendar entries can apparently take only one pattern. There is no way…
Just a month into a year of wanting to blog more, I missed a whole week. Like most resolution failures, I just got busy. Thankfully this was not a daily or weekly resolution. I have time to catch up. Maybe like my reading goals, I should push to get ahead so I can not worry…
Green Pier, originally uploaded by Ezra S F. Last week, I was in Mexico Beach, FL. Here is a perspective shot I took underneath the pier on a walk on the beach. The colors were a bonus.
Do we consume too much information? I might. Lately I have thought about reducing the amount of following I do. Typically I hit this point when I realize it takes me all weekend to catch up. To be fair I reach this point by getting all caught up over a long weekend and seeking out…
Those who enjoy thinking are mentioned at the end of this quote from Why Stories Sell: Transportation Leads to Persuasion as most vulnerable to being persuaded by a story. Reading Oscar Wilde is fun if only because he puts in so many entertaining quips from his characters to comment and persuade the reader. I feel transported…
Flared Near Sunset, originally uploaded by Ezra S F. Guess I was feeling good about heading home for the weekend. Happily it was not already dark.
This is my first attempt at something like a weekly roundup like I said I should try in To Blog Or To Share?. Hopefully I can maintain it. Martin Luther King Jr on education: Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the ligitimate goals of his life. Education…