Tag: posted 2012

  • Each of the nearly 2,000 freshmen entering Georgia Institute of Technology each year must take a computer science course regardless of their major, says Charles Isbell, associate dean for academic affairs at the school’s College of Computing… Similar to traditional general education requirements such as philosophy or world history, the purpose of each courses is to turn out…

  • This is an older TED Talk by Malcolm Gladwell just before his book Blink dropped. He tells the story about how the food industry figured out that there is not a single perfect product that meets everyone’s needs. Instead there are a number of different clusters that meets the majority of wants. We find this…

  • Today is the end of the third month, so where am I with those goals? Reading goals: Complete unfinished novel series. 7 of 24 done. That is 29%. I should be at 25%. So I am a little ahead. American History and Decision Making. 2 of 9 done. That is 22%. So a behind 25%. (A quarter…

  • A CNN article on the $640 million lottery jackpot tonight revealed something interesting. According to data crunched by Bloomberg, Georgia residents are the biggest “suckers.” They spend an average of $471 per year on the lottery, or 1% of their average income, while receiving a payout of 63 cents on the dollar. Yeah, but I got some…

  • Abraham Maslow proposed a theory in A Theory of Human Motivation, Psychological Review, motivation works to fulfill baser needs before addressing loftier needs. In a discussion the other day, I mentioned we have to have a rock solid infrastructure and stability of services to the point they are a utility and no users think about them causing…

  • Brené Brown talks anput the fear of disconnection from the social fabric. To me this ties well with a book, Loneliness, where a big point is that social isolation hits the same areas of the brain as physical pain. In case the above video does not show, the try this link The power of vulnerability.

  • Facebook is a useful tool for gathering information about others. From the beginning, the advice has been to be careful that what is posted well represents us. Or… To limit who can see those things we might not want seen. Hiring managers also have a difficult situation. Is who you are looking to hire who…

  • Meet Saba, the Social Network That Rates Your Job Skills Convincing a boss that you are valuable to the organization is important to keep a job. Assessing an employee is doing a good job is also tricky when there are no easy metrics. For my performance appraisals I have to provide goals and be assessed…

  • Trayvon


    At around 16-17 years old I did not have a car. So I rode my bike or walked anywhere I wanted to go. Store managers sometimes searched my backpack or my person only to find I had not in fact shoplifted anything. Loss control or security guards would follow me around the store. Neighborhood watch…