Tag: port

  • Americans’ circle of friends is shrinking, new study shows | Science Blog: Americans’ circle of close confidants has shrunk dramatically in the past two decades and the number of people who say they have no one with whom to discuss important matters has more than doubled, according to a new study by sociologists at Duke…

  • Ever wanted to know what geek children did in the 80s? This is just like what I did (only done by adults and for a movie). The Carbon Freeze Sequence UPDATE: Originally I tried to post the YouTube video with the object and embed tags. However, it seems LJ prohibits the use of object and…

  • Netscape.com 3.0

    Poor Netscape…. They work and work at achieving again the glories of their past. Through their browser (eventually outsourced), web server (eventually sold of to become iPlanet, SunOne, and now something else), and web site, this brand just has not seemed to flourish since their IPO back in the mid 1990s. Will this latest try…

  • Ex-Boss Describes Sys Admin’s Anger During PaineWebber Sabotage Trial | June 8, 2006: On the day a system administrator at UBS PaineWebber learned his annual bonus had fallen short by about $15,000, he leveled an ultimatum at his boss: give him a written contract for more money or he was walking out the door, according…

  • C’mon people. Don’t do anything that will make me miss the biggest sporting event in the past 4 years! Maybe I need to go back and set TiVo to record both showings? World Cup matchup: FIFA vs. the hackers | CNET News.com Roger Jones, Avaya’s business development manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa,…

  • If you don’t want someone to have certain data, then don’t send it to them. Cutesy features like placing a colored box on top of text are next to worthless when it comes to protecting sensitive data. Obscuring the ability of the eye to see the data protects it from 90% of people, yes. However,…

  • Yeah, this one is a royal pain. Mozilla removes support for older versions of their browser six months after the new one went into production. Open source is nimble. Proprietary companies are inflexible. Sounds like its time to go after nimble applications? Why Mozilla still hasn’t cracked the enterprise | May 24, 2006 07:12 PM…

  • Some quotes from an article in the NYT on cheating. This recently came up on a WebCT Users list (usually at least once every year). Maybe the timing is right because the academic year at many schools just ended? Test administrators are usually one step behind the cheaters. There are lots of technologies that have…

  • Go to the article for more. Summary is below. Bush Broadband Goal Gored – US Broadband Penetration Breaks 70% Among Active Internet Users – Broadband Study Highlights Two-Speed Europe – May 2006 Bandwidth Report President Bush’s goal of universal broadband access for all Americans by 2007 appears to be in doubt, according to a recent…