Tag: port

  • Warm fuzzies abound when support uses this as the last item for when something occurs. Some form of dark wizardry I know this was meant to be funny. I even found it funny. Seriously…. There is a lot of dark wizardry….

  • links for 2007-10-10

    Bug ID: 6598410 JVM 1.4.2_14 core dumps in CMS processing references (tags: java Blackboard_Vista garbage-collection) Google Talk (tags: communication Gmail google im chat web2.0 widgets collaboration gadgets social) More Evidence on the (Lack of) Impact of School Choice – Freakonomics – Opinion – New York Times Blog (tags: economics education parenting) BPS RESEARCH DIGEST: What’s…

  • DNA For Everyone


    So, 60 Minutes has broadcast a report on the tracing of DNA. Leslie made a statement, “The are just two bits of DNA which remain pure. The Y chromosome which passes directly from father to son. And something called mitochondrial DNA which passes unchanged from mother to child.” Logically speaking, if the mDNA really passes…

  • Previously I have seen usability describing ease of using a web site. These four essences of usability are interesting. I believe that to satisfy customers, a Web site must fulfill four distinct needs: Availability: A site that’s unreachable, for any reason, is useless. Responsiveness: Having reached the site, pages that download slowly are likely to…

  • VM(Night)Mare

    So, I need to install software on a couple servers which don’t exist. They are virtual: VMWare ESX. I can see and login to the web site. However, its frustrating to consistently get a working console. I get a partial page with “Error on page.” Going to the error reveals: Browser#ResponseReceived(): invalid content type text/html…

  • Much of what I might write in these posts about Vista is knowledge accumulated from the efforts of my coworkers. This is part two in a series of blog posts on our presentation at BbWorld ’07, on the behalf of the Georgia VIEW project, Maintaining Large Vista Installations (2MB PPT). Part one covered automation of…

  • I really have to stop listening to the same song played over and over. It may affect my thinking…. We had another node crash due to the Sun JVM issue. Our start script failed to make a file in /var so the node did not become fully operational as expected. While waiting for those with…

  • Overvirtualization

    A side project of mine is to support my organization’s load testing efforts. In determining whether what we have is enough, I found myself talking about “virtual users” who are going to be generated by injectors on “virtual servers”. So now I am wondering, Do I even exist? Maybe not?

  • This is more or less for the next time I lose all my brain cells from not working over the weekend…. Critical Oracle variables: ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID Pretty much any script that deals with Oracle needs the value of these. Cron doesn’t have these variables, so use export VARIABLE to provide them to the shell. Also,…