Hope, loss, and bicycles in Zambia – World Blog – msnbc.com (tags: charity) National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Ten Endangered U.S. Beach Towns Named (tags: science geography) ADL Community: Supporting the Global Advancement of Distributed Learning (tags: standards community collaboration learning education) How to kill or close all running programs in Windows quickly (tags: software.microsoft.windows)…
A Critic at Large: The Well-tempered Web: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker (tags: music culture) Subtraction: If It Looks Like a Cow, Swims Like a Dolphin and Quacks Like a Duck, It Must Be Enterprise Software (tags: software technology programming)
Fear brings out the worst in people. Fear of change or the unknown manifests in criticism, anger, and overreaction. Yes, I am guilty of this like everyone else… I am not somehow above all this. The idea of democracy, I think, where everyone is able to provide input into the making of a decision was…
Harold Powers, Georgia State University Template Copy files in File Manager Learning Module – Only content pages and assessments are exported in a learning module. Other tools such as discussion, chat, urls, etc. are not exported.
I am blogging from the pre-conference GeorgiaVIEW meeting @ Rock Eagle yesterday afternoon and this morning. I enjoy connecting with people around the state of Georgia who use our Vista system. Most of them do not make it to BbWorld. Some hot topics: Alternatives to Blackboard Vista Training Content repository Returning Reports and Tracking to…
I ran across Jon Udell’s post on The once and future university which pointed to Mike Caulfield’s post with the video (Transcript). Technology, I think, is a false Panacea. The role of information technology is to better aggregate information for whatever it is we do. Such aggregation draws disparate sources together, but the sources fail…
. Steve Souders: “High Performance Web Sites: 14 Rules for Faster Pages”–video – O’Reilly FYI (tags: performance webdesign CSS html http) Support Forums: Problem of changing Weblogic 9.2 default password (tags: Blackboard_Vista bea)