Tag: photos

  • Early in the history of the WWW, people thought a document which did not have an inbound link, a link from some external location to the file, was private. Search engines looked for content on web sites in locations for which there was not a link already pointing. To truly respect the privacy of those…

  • Ewww?

    Ewww?, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Mom’s cat named Misty licking Mom’s TV. Its been up on Flickr for a bit. Thought I would repost it here.

  • Misty from the Demon World, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Apparently mom has fluorescent lamps and not Tungsten as I assumed. So the camera setting for adjusting for Tungston light made the shot way too blue. However, I do like the effect.

  • Misty from the Demon World Originally uploaded by sneezypb. Apparently mom has fluorescent lamps and not Tungsten as I assumed. So the camera setting for adjusting for Tungston light made the shot way too blue. However, I do like the effect.

  • Sorry I’ve neglected this site. Work has keep me pretty occupied. TiVo rules my life. New city and things to do have kept me out of the house more than normal. I’ve found some pretty good places to blog. People read blogs now. 🙂 Some suggestion: Visit my Flickr photos. Visit my Livejournal blog (mostly…

  • who wants ONE Originally uploaded by nicolas valentin. A times I consider getting a kitten. I like cats. I miss having one around all the time. Of course, I don’t miss sneezing all the time (I’m allergic).

  • ezs study in grey misty Originally uploaded by nessieshome. Mom posted this in her Flickr site. I took it a few years ago, 2004 maybe. Its of Misty, her cat, peeking from behind a curtain while she was on the window sill to look at the birds and squirrels outside.

  • Heavy rains flood the Northeast on Yahoo! News Photos: