Yahoo To Shut Down Yahoo Photos In Favor Of Flickr You have until September to move all your photos. UPDATE 17-JUN-2007: I have imported 511 pictures at Yahoo! Photos to my Flickr account. The migration tool was kind enough to mark all of them as private. However, though untagged. I’m working through them, updating…
Lily Bud and Sky Lily Up Close and Personal
Moon and Star, originally uploaded by sneezypb.
Parasol, originally uploaded by sneezypb. She liked this photo. She and her friend had me take a similar one with their camera.
Snow Queen, originally uploaded by sneezypb.
Thistle Watshes Schme, originally uploaded by sneezypb. It reminds me of the ship’s computer in Flight of the Navigator.
Dixie, originally uploaded by sneezypb.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Hairy Originally uploaded by sneezypb. Definitely time for a haircut. About a week ago I decided I needed one. However, its been quite hectic. As most of you know, I work for the University System of Georgia’s Office of Instructional and Information Technology, specifically a project to provide system wide (35 schools) online classes. We…