Tag: photos

  • Details Matter


    During the UGA vs. Arizona State game, a number of us who post on pictures of Athens, GA on Flickr met to hang out and shoot. With just seven of us there, we were able to stay as one group and get shots of stuff and each other. I enjoyed meeting new peoole with similar…

  • I’ve been thinking about going back through my Flickr photos and releasing some of them under an attribute CC license. Previously, the photo on the left was picked to represent Sir Harold Kroto by someone on Wikipedia partly because it was available under a CC license. (Wow… It still is?) The quandary is more what…

  • My cameras (yeah, two of the three) have lots of pictures. Expect some this weekend. Hopefully they will be paced to last the week rather than an insane dump all at once. Watch my Flickr. Yet again, I failed to blog at BbWorld. Probably I would had wifi been available in the sessions. Instead, I…

  • June 15th is Nature Photography Day (and Father’s Day). Take your kids and grandkids on a nature trek and give them a single-use camera to use. Then print some of their photos and present them, in a mat or frame, to those young photographers. Pick something in nature that you’ve never photographed before, and then…

  • Eduyawn


    Edupunk is “Do It Yourself” in education or instruction technology. Free or at least cheap tools suitable for classroom use are so ubiquitous, the faculty have plenty of alternatives to the monolithic “enterprise” LMS. If edupunk was a boat, then what would it be? A bamboo raft? This is not something new. My mom conned…

  • One of the reasons my photos sets are more full of flowers than buildings is people don’t call the FBI over pictures of flowers. While it is perfectly legal to take pictures of buildings from public spaces, it makes “victims” nervous. No one cares about flowers. I can take all the pictures I want without…

  • So far I have either been oblivious or lucky. Some people like my pictures which could mean they are downloading them and even representing them as their own. No amount of HTML or JavaScript technology can prevent this. Even watermarks have questionable efficacy as people get better. Google’s Picasa is my current image editor. With…

  • Babies are fascinated by me. When the two of us are in a room, they often find me the most interesting thing in the room. Usually, it is mutual. So, a mutual friend of a friend, Mojan has a fantastic blog. The past year or so has been about being pregnant and most recently figuring…

  • There is a slight difference between FriendFeed and an RSS aggregator? According to the site, “FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing.” It is using the RSS feeds of the various sites. So, like an RSS aggregator, FF pulls information from…