Tag: photos

  • GNBSS Rock Album Cover Originally uploaded by Ezra F Catching this shot was pure luck. I didn’t know she was doing it. tag: photography

  • Blackborg Teeshirt Originally uploaded by Ezra F Mike LeSombre posted the Blackborg picture and teeshirt. I got one! tag: photography

  • This little snake was found in the hallway at work. I thought the commotion was a continuation over the geyser in a sink until GH asked if I brought my pet to work. Went over the see and snagged this before maintenance took it away. Hope he enjoys life on the other side of the…

  • Rosy Maple Moth Originally uploaded by Ezra F I know a great place for moths to hang out and rest. I pass by it all the time and find all kinds of moths there including both the one above and these below. tag: photography

  • blackborg Originally uploaded by MikeLeSombre Blackboard, Inc. has gone by many names by its detractors. Blackborg is definitely my new favorite! tag: photography

  • Conservatory A perspective Originally uploaded by Ezra F Today is a Baha’i holy day. So I took the day off from work. Rather than sleep in throw off my sleep schedule, I ventured over to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia during the morning wonder light. The garden routinely pays off in great flower photos.…

  • When sending more than five pictures to Flickr, many photographers want the last one or five sent to be their best one. The Contacts page can be set to show the last one or last five photos for each contact. Meaning, the last one should be the best one. I thought I was crazy at…

  • I noticed a little black and white sign: “Single? athensdating.org” a while ago. A couple weeks ago it came up in conversation. Today I saw it again. So I visited the site. First impression: A local site should have images to represent something about the locality. Generic stock photography doesn’t cut it for me. The…

  • I ran across this photo of an amazing painting on Flickr. Derrick says: The story goes that the young Sesshu loved to draw. His love of drawing was so great that one time when he was tied to a post as punishment for an infraction at the temple he created a picture of a mouse…