Tag: photos

  • My new motto

    My new motto Originally uploaded by lauren ashly felten. It says, “Unattended children will be given an espresso and a free puppy.”

  • Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 Originally uploaded by sneezypb. I’d like to welcome this Sigma lens to my camera family. It will replace my Canon kit lens for Digital Rebel XT for all around use. I find the 18mm useful… however, the 55mm was limited. Being able to go anywhere from 18mm to 200mm is quite versitile.…

  • Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3, originally uploaded by sneezypb. My new all-around lens for the Rebel. Of course, I’ll end up getting a macro eventually. As G says, now I am Paparazzi!

  • Discovery is away

    July 4, 2006, originally uploaded by Mrs.MikeBRSM. Its great NASA was able to launch Discovery. I hope the mission goes smoothly. I also hope foam doesn’t remain a hot button issue.

  • Brasil in Seven Originally uploaded by sneezypb. Can the home of Ginga make it two in a row? This was put up by someone at my apartment complex after Brasil’s 1:0 win over Croatia yesterday.

  • Lilly, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Of all the pictures of lillies I’ve taken this spring, I think I like this one the best. This red is a good color. Plus the bugs.

  • Avebury Stone

    Avebury Stone, originally uploaded by idreamofdaylight. I loved being at Avebury! Seeing someone else’s photos of the place brings back fond memories. Here’s a picture of me next to a stone at Avebury. Other London / Paris 2002 vacation pictures.

  • Spat

    Spat, originally uploaded by sneezypb. A bug went spat on my windshield.

  • Ghost Hand

    Ghost Hand, originally uploaded by sneezypb. A “Back to the Future” moment…