Bling the Children Back Home @ Georgia Theater, originally uploaded by Ezra F. for AthFest 2007 Friday night. This was a fun band to which to listen and watch.
Megan hates UF alumni, originally uploaded by Ezra F. Which means she loves Uga. 🙂 I finally had an opportunity to take a picture of one of the Uga statues around town. Its such a toursity shot. Megan makes for a willing tourista.
The Georgia Bahá’à School was supposed to be this weekend. However, the school was canceled. So Mom and I drove down to Jekyll Island. Pictures will be posted soon. As always, they are posted at
Moon and Star, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Large @ Flickr
Red Means Stop, originally uploaded by sneezypb.
Parasol, originally uploaded by sneezypb. She liked this photo. She and her friend had me take one for them.
Snow Queen, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Saw this moth in the breezeway when I stopped by home to get some stuff I needed to mail.
Thistle Watshes Schme, originally uploaded by sneezypb. It reminds me of the ship's computer in Flight of the Navigator. Read and post comments | Send to a friend
Thistle Watshes Schme, originally uploaded by sneezypb. It reminds me of the ship’s computer in Flight of the Navigator.