Tag: person

  • Not So Secret

    Keeping secrets is difficult. People blab. People are slackers. People are clueless. However, due to the media we expect the CIA (and FBI and federal government in general) to be on the ball. Their job is to protect us. So we want to believe they are best of the best of the best; that everyone…

  • This is an interesting opinion piece. I kind of think of the Bank of America commercial where the CTO or CIO says their goal is not to get right almost every time but to get it right once and replicate it every time. Wired News: Why Data Mining Won’t Stop Terror Let’s look at some…

  • Looking at the HTML for this web site makes my head hurt. Don’t save your web site in Internet Explorer. EVER!! 🙁 Actually, it is my personal opinion that everyone should be able to read the HTML for the web pages they create.

  • What about the customers? Companies all too often play chicken. It is the consumers who get screwed. A few years ago, a Sun vs. Microsoft disagreement meant no adequate Java Runtime Environment for the brand new Windows XP personal computers for months. Developers for online classes often tap Java for mini-applications (HTML editors, chat, file…

  • Determination

    This has only happened once: I received an email asking whether or not I received the email telling me the person left me a phone message to set up a meeting.

  • Country: United States City: Columbus, GA Citation: Sec. 14-34. Idiots, etc.; teasing, harassing. It shall be unlawful and disorderly conduct for any person to tease or harass, either by words, signs or acts, on the streets or public places in the city any simple minded, idiotic, or crazy person, or any cripple, or other unfortunate…

  • Rands in Repose has been on my mind lately and re-read. This gem of a web site contains descriptions of techie and management personalities that I recognize. Okay, several personality description are of me. NADD? My laptop connected to blogs and other web sites, a blaring TV, and desktop playing music, say “Totally!” I am…

  • Personal Security

    I am not sure many of us take our personal security strongly enough. Nick Bradbury recently mentioned he had lied about being out of town in a previous entry. I say kudos!! There are too many cases where I see people put in their blogs when they will be out of town. In most of…

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