Tag: name

  • I am blogging from the pre-conference GeorgiaVIEW meeting @ Rock Eagle yesterday afternoon and this morning. I enjoy connecting with people around the state of Georgia who use our Vista system. Most of them do not make it to BbWorld. Some hot topics: Alternatives to Blackboard Vista Training Content repository Returning Reports and Tracking to…

  • False Panacea

    I ran across Jon Udell’s post on The once and future university which pointed to Mike Caulfield’s post with the video (Transcript). Technology, I think, is a false Panacea. The role of information technology is to better aggregate information for whatever it is we do. Such aggregation draws disparate sources together, but the sources fail…

  • links for 2007-10-18

    Colleges Struggle to Keep Up With Storage Demands (tags: Blackboard_Vista storage) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education – Inside Higher Ed :: Professor Avatar (tags: education social) Designing For Spam (tags: google search) Customer Reference Checklist | Smiley Cat Web Design (tags: checklist software)

  • Who Are You?

    I’m so vain…. I probably think this post is about me…. Probably only people who do vanity searches notice this, but there are spiders pulling names off web sites. They link the names to companies, blogs, and other web content. Supposedly, these sites allow online reputation control. Rather than you claiming your identity as others…

  • I really have to stop listening to the same song played over and over. It may affect my thinking…. We had another node crash due to the Sun JVM issue. Our start script failed to make a file in /var so the node did not become fully operational as expected. While waiting for those with…

  • Much of what I might write in these posts about Vista is knowledge accumulated from the efforts of my coworkers. I’ve decided to do a series of blog posts on our presentation at BbWorld ’07, on the behalf of the Georgia VIEW project, Maintaining Large Vista Installations (2MB PPT). I wrote the bit about tracking…

  • I am home from the Tennessee Baha’i School. I enjoyed the weekend. Meeting new people is not something I’d normally place high on my list. However, I have yet to go to a Baha’i conference or weekend school where I did not come away feeling happy to have met all those I did. Naturally, since…

  • One of my co-workers says about tracking, “One of the big selling points to [Blackboard] Vista is the wealth of tracking data for auditing, grade challenges, and catching cheaters.” Certainly, Reports and Tracking in Blackboard’s Vista 3 is one of the more favorite tools. So making sure the data gets there is critically important. The…

  • Interesting incident with Blackboard Vista last night. The user interface for the server “lost” the default icon sets for the organizer pages. Other icons were not affected so changing to another icon set did not help. A legendary Blackboard support guy happened to take our call. I understand why so many other Bb clients like…