Tag: Microsoft

  • Textism: Word HTML Cleaner A tool that strips proprietary Microsoft tags and other cruft from Word HTML documents, leaving basic formatting intact. File sizes are greatly reduced, and the returned HTML is easier to read, revise and employ.

  • What about the customers? Companies all too often play chicken. It is the consumers who get screwed. A few years ago, a Sun vs. Microsoft disagreement meant no adequate Java Runtime Environment for the brand new Windows XP personal computers for months. Developers for online classes often tap Java for mini-applications (HTML editors, chat, file…

  • Disconnect

    Wow, there is a disconnect between Microsoft and end users. Even if users experience PC trouble after installing the patch, they will still be protected against any attack exploiting the Windows flaw, a Microsoft representative said. But but but The patch could lock users out of their PC, prevent the Windows Firewall from starting, block…

  • Sniff Tests

    As Dvorak points out, BitTorrent is the largest single protocol. The Web’s HTTP barely counts compared to BitTorrent and the other P2P protocols. That’s a heck of a lot of traffic—as any network administrator knows—and having it increased with crapware is not good news. In addition, some anti-virus and anti-spyware programs don’t look at Torrents…