These companies use mitochondrial DNA to trace one’s genetic lineage. So, they take a sample from my mitochondria (which I got from my mom) and compare it to samples that have been taken from mitochondria samples found in their database to match it. Well, my mom’s mom has lots of English and Scottish ancestry. So…
The Straight Dope: Is male pattern baldness inherited? Who’s to blame?: … Men are more prone than women to X-linked abnormalities because they receive an XY chromosome combination while women get XX. In women, a recessive abnormality on one X chromosome will likely be masked by a dominant normal gene on the other. Men, however,…
Heh… Character-for-character, password length is more important for security than complexity. Requiring complexity but allowing passwords to remain short makes passwords more vulnerable to attack than simply requiring easier-to-remember, longer passwords. Password size does matter I am not sure I understand the debate here. Why can’t it be a little of both? Roger is arguing…
My heartfelt prayers go out to the Baha’is in Iran who are undergoing the latest wave of persecutions. Iran’s Bahai Religious Minority Says It Faces Raids and Arrests – New York Times Members of the Bahai religious minority in Iran said this week that the government had recently intensified a campaign of arrests, raids and…
Some quotes from an article in the NYT on cheating. This recently came up on a WebCT Users list (usually at least once every year). Maybe the timing is right because the academic year at many schools just ended? Test administrators are usually one step behind the cheaters. There are lots of technologies that have…
Go to the article for more. Summary is below. Bush Broadband Goal Gored – US Broadband Penetration Breaks 70% Among Active Internet Users – Broadband Study Highlights Two-Speed Europe – May 2006 Bandwidth Report President Bush’s goal of universal broadband access for all Americans by 2007 appears to be in doubt, according to a recent…
Poor guy. I am curious about how people come up with the figures they do about how much damage a hacker caused. My guess is whatever they spend to fix the problem. So… holes in computers they should have patched by didn’t or software they should have purchased but didn’t until the hacker caused the…
The Onion made me smile tonight. MIT Fraternity Accused Of Robot Hazing | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source Several members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology chapter of the Theta Tau fraternity are in campus-police custody today following a brutal hazing incident in which one robot remains missing and two others are in…
The Onion made me smile tonight. MIT Fraternity Accused Of Robot Hazing | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source Several members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology chapter of the Theta Tau fraternity are in campus-police custody today following a brutal hazing incident in which one robot remains missing and two others are in…