Tag: meeting

  • Hidden Project Pitfalls

    Project management materials always discuss things in the problem-solving methodology: Define successful criteria, constraints, and release criteria. (Define and understand the problem.) Write a plan, define tasks, identify risks, and estimate costs. (Develop a plan.) (Try the plan.) Record actuals and estimates. (Collect data.) Evaluate at milestones. (Evaluate data to determine if plan succeeded.) This…

  • Rands in Repose has been on my mind lately and re-read. This gem of a web site contains descriptions of techie and management personalities that I recognize. Okay, several personality description are of me. NADD? My laptop connected to blogs and other web sites, a blaring TV, and desktop playing music, say “Totally!” I am…

  • Meetings


    Here is how I spent my day: Spent 3 hours today in meetings. Some 3-4 hours trying to prepare for the meetings. Answering emails and phone calls So now, at 11PM I am headed to bed so that in the morning, it can all start anew.