Project management materials always discuss things in the problem-solving methodology: Define successful criteria, constraints, and release criteria. (Define and understand the problem.) Write a plan, define tasks, identify risks, and estimate costs. (Develop a plan.) (Try the plan.) Record actuals and estimates. (Collect data.) Evaluate at milestones. (Evaluate data to determine if plan succeeded.) This…
Rands in Repose has been on my mind lately and re-read. This gem of a web site contains descriptions of techie and management personalities that I recognize. Okay, several personality description are of me. NADD? My laptop connected to blogs and other web sites, a blaring TV, and desktop playing music, say “Totally!” I am…
Here is how I spent my day: Spent 3 hours today in meetings. Some 3-4 hours trying to prepare for the meetings. Answering emails and phone calls So now, at 11PM I am headed to bed so that in the morning, it can all start anew.