. Plug and Chug and Crank… « Authentic Assessment (tags: Blackboard_Vista education online_learning onlineeducation) Picnik – edit photos the easy way, online in your browser (tags: photography) Managing the Mess Innovation occurs when huge messes create the need. (tags: programming technology) The Future of Reading (A Play in Six Acts) [dive into mark] (tags: copyright…
Digital Library of Georgia 60 different libraries and content providers digitizing content, available in various browsing and search options really impressive historical record widely dispersed Civil Rights Digital Library 65 institutions web access to 25 hours of news photage. Alternative Media Access Center Some publishers 9 times out of 10 provide an electronic copy. In…
. Innovation at Risk (tags: books economics copyright patents law intellectualproperty) A Patent Is Worth Having, Right? Well, Maybe Not – New York Times (tags: copyright economics law patents intellectual_property) Contents (tags: oracle oracle.features database) Vista Ate My Homework (tags: blackboard resources webctvista.support webctvista.howto WebCT_Vista Blackboard_Vista) Show and Tell: Tips for a Successful Implementatio n…
If you have an audio copy of “Taps” play it now…. SGI – Services & Support: End of General Availability for MIPS® IRIX® Products: SGI launched the MIPS IRIX family of products in 1988. Since then, this technology has powered servers, workstations, and visualization systems used extensively in Manufacturing, Media, Science, Government/Defense, and Energy. After…
Michael Covington’s Daily Notebook: Enough of this “electronic frontier.” I want civilization! I agree. The Internet has become a dangerous place. Every node has its own rules, some are more developed than others, and none are completely safe. I’m in favor of a tax on the Internet if it’s used to pay for law enforcement.…
The lesson here is that innovation doesn’t always mean starting from scratch. For Nokia, and Apple, open source isn’t an end in itself. It’s a beginning — one that allows these companies to concentrate on what they do best: delivering great products. Ask yourself whether your company is focused on doing the same. Are you…