Tag: georgia

  • Much of what I might write in these posts about Vista is knowledge accumulated from the efforts of my coworkers. This is part two in a series of blog posts on our presentation at BbWorld ’07, on the behalf of the Georgia VIEW project, Maintaining Large Vista Installations (2MB PPT). Part one covered automation of…

  • Much of what I might write in these posts about Vista is knowledge accumulated from the efforts of my coworkers. I’ve decided to do a series of blog posts on our presentation at BbWorld ’07, on the behalf of the Georgia VIEW project, Maintaining Large Vista Installations (2MB PPT). I wrote the bit about tracking…

  • University System of Georgia Strategic Plan – Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (tags: universitysystemofga) How to Give Instructions – lifehack.org (tags: lifehacks communication documentation sysadmin)

  • Systemwide, only 48 percent of the students in Georgia’s four-year public institutions earn a degree within six years of enrollment, compared to a national average of 54 percent. Even allowing eight to 10 years, the percentage of students earning degrees climbs only slightly. In contrast, the Georgia high school graduation rate is between 56 and…

  • Glimpse of Time Before Big Bang Possible – Yahoo! News “To see how far into history one might gaze, theoretical physicist Martin Bojowald at Pennsylvania State University ran calculations based on loop quantum gravity, one of a number of competing theories seeking to explain how the underlying structure of th (tags: cosmology science.astronomy universe science…

  • There is a bill in the GA legislature to additionally fine people for excessive speeding. Fine. Good even. However, it disturbs me that people quote the wrong statistics as rationale and tie it to emotional cues. Slowing down ‘super speeders’ on Georgia highways is a super idea – gainesvilletimes.com: Last year in Georgia, 1,700 people…

  • Hairy Originally uploaded by sneezypb. Definitely time for a haircut. About a week ago I decided I needed one. However, its been quite hectic. As most of you know, I work for the University System of Georgia’s Office of Instructional and Information Technology, specifically a project to provide system wide (35 schools) online classes. We…

  • L’eau d’Or Falls, originally uploaded by sneezypb. If you haven’t been to Tallulah Gorge, in northeast Georgia (USA), then I highly recommend it. The place is gorgeous. Pick a cooler time than August. 🙂

  • This makes me think. Not sure I really agree or disagree. PostSecret (PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.)