January 18th and 23rd are planned blackout days for a number of web sites in protest to passing the Stop Online Piracy Act. Existing legislation like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act already reveal copyright owners ask to shut down web sites even when there is no infringing material. Granting them more power seems like a bad…
Mark Guzdial makes the point teachers add value to the learning process. Normally, I would agree. However, I got hung up on a misquote from a Walter Isaacson article How to Save Your Newspaper in TIME offering micropayments as the solution to newspapers finding a working model to survive since advertisements are not the right one. Mark said it…
I love the creativity in lawyers copyrighting their take down notices. tag: lawyers, copyright
Satires are an appropriate use of web2.0. What is the theme of web3.0? tag: bubble, web 2.0, blogging, millionaires, Facebook, crash, venture capital, blue shirts UPDATE: Boo! Video has been pulled. New version to appease the photographer.
. Plug and Chug and Crank… « Authentic Assessment (tags: Blackboard_Vista education online_learning onlineeducation) Picnik – edit photos the easy way, online in your browser (tags: photography) Managing the Mess Innovation occurs when huge messes create the need. (tags: programming technology) The Future of Reading (A Play in Six Acts) [dive into mark] (tags: copyright…
Since restaurants get sued for not paying royalties for public performances of copyrighted music, it seems likely playing a song at an athletic event is a public performance. I wonder how much the UGA Athletics or just UGA pays ASCAP for the ability to do this? Certainly, its not academic use. Youuuuuuu – Red…
Its interesting… Rob of Blue Sunbelt is using one of my photos to represent Georgia. It is one of my favorite photos of Grassy Pond near the Georgia-Florida border. My first thought was actually, “There is non-commercial use for Creative Commons. Why not a non-political use?” Not that it would have helped. This particular photo…
Pop Geek Jonathan Coulton Succeeds by Giving Music Away (tags: copyright creativecommons music geek)
Stupid Email Disclaimers (tags: netiquette email privacy law) The Open Library (tags: books library copyright literature reference)