Tag: Chief Information Officer

  • Glimpse of Time Before Big Bang Possible – Yahoo! News “To see how far into history one might gaze, theoretical physicist Martin Bojowald at Pennsylvania State University ran calculations based on loop quantum gravity, one of a number of competing theories seeking to explain how the underlying structure of th (tags: cosmology science.astronomy universe science…

  • CD Rack 600 – Modern Floor Standing CD Rack 600 – Boltz Online CD Rack Store (tags: furniture music storage) flickrSLiDR – My Flickr Slideshow Embedding Tool – PaulStamatiou.com (tags: flickr photography web2.0 widgets slideshow photos) DivineNotes.com: Digital, Downloadable Baha’i-Inspired Music (tags: Baha’i music religion music.store) Desire2Learn and Blackboard Technology Tutorials for the Patent Case…

  • Ready to Switch?

    I was disappointed the only IE competitor mentioned was Firefox. Opera, Safari, and Netscape are well known enough that it would behoove a more balanced view to mention them as well. My only use of IE lately is replicating a user problem I can’t replicate in Firefox and the very, very infrequent case a web…

  • Sorry I’ve neglected this site. Work has keep me pretty occupied. TiVo rules my life. New city and things to do have kept me out of the house more than normal. I’ve found some pretty good places to blog. People read blogs now. 🙂 Some suggestion: Visit my Flickr photos. Visit my Livejournal blog (mostly…

  • Americans’ circle of friends is shrinking, new study shows | Science Blog: Americans’ circle of close confidants has shrunk dramatically in the past two decades and the number of people who say they have no one with whom to discuss important matters has more than doubled, according to a new study by sociologists at Duke…

  • Ex-Boss Describes Sys Admin’s Anger During PaineWebber Sabotage Trial | June 8, 2006: On the day a system administrator at UBS PaineWebber learned his annual bonus had fallen short by about $15,000, he leveled an ultimatum at his boss: give him a written contract for more money or he was walking out the door, according…

  • C’mon people. Don’t do anything that will make me miss the biggest sporting event in the past 4 years! Maybe I need to go back and set TiVo to record both showings? World Cup matchup: FIFA vs. the hackers | CNET News.com Roger Jones, Avaya’s business development manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa,…

  • Who knew the ATF was full of pirates? Always picking on the poor ninjas. redandblack.com – ATF rids Univ. of ninja threat ATF agents are always on alert for anything suspicious — including ninjas.

  • This is an interesting opinion piece. I kind of think of the Bank of America commercial where the CTO or CIO says their goal is not to get right almost every time but to get it right once and replicate it every time. Wired News: Why Data Mining Won’t Stop Terror Let’s look at some…