Tag: camera

  • Family, especially gaining a new member in a few weeks My dart team members and their significant others Friends Having a job, especially my team at work No health issues this year My cameras and accessories Car Google Reader Flickr video Technorati : Thanksgiving Day, thanks Del.icio.us : Thanksgiving Day, thanks Flickr : Thanksgiving Day,…

  • My cameras (yeah, two of the three) have lots of pictures. Expect some this weekend. Hopefully they will be paced to last the week rather than an insane dump all at once. Watch my Flickr. Yet again, I failed to blog at BbWorld. Probably I would had wifi been available in the sessions. Instead, I…

  • June 15th is Nature Photography Day (and Father’s Day). Take your kids and grandkids on a nature trek and give them a single-use camera to use. Then print some of their photos and present them, in a mat or frame, to those young photographers. Pick something in nature that you’ve never photographed before, and then…

  • Shooting on the Run

    Do you have a camera that you take everywhere? My Canon SD800 IS (Elph) This digital point and click camera does well for every day use. In the winter, it fits in my coat pockets very easily. In the summer, it fits in my cargo or carpenter shorts’ pockets. I have it so often, others…

  • Grandparent-sitting

    Mom is off to do important stuff. So I am watching over her mom, my grandmother. Instructions: 9 pages. Various appointments to help her make. Various medications to give her. Yeah, fun, fun, fun. Entertainment of Choice: Rummikub I’m planning on getting her to tell some stories for recording on my camera or iPod. I…

  • links for 2007-11-11

    dcbahai.org – Home (tags: Bahá’í webdesign) SF Bahai (tags: Bahá’í webdesign) Calgary Baha’i – Home (tags: Bahá’í webdesign) Photojojo » De-Pixelize Your Photos Instantly with VectorMagic (tags: photography) Regression testing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: software testing programming) Unicon Assists Georgia Tech with Transition to Open Source Sakai from Proprietary Learning Management System |…

  • Cell Phone Madness

    In case you haven’t noticed, I have have a new cell phone. Give me a call if you have my phone number. Actually, if you can find the number, then I’d even more love for you to call. 🙂 If only to congratulate your mad skillz. Back in December I read online Amazon had fantastic…

  • So, you are a teaching an online class. Students cheating naturally is a concern. How does one prevent them from stealing answers? Code in the online class system? Unfortunately, the makers of the learning management systems lag behind the creativity of cheaters. Plus, they can only control their systems. How do they enforce security in…

  • Parasol

    Parasol, originally uploaded by sneezypb. She liked this photo. She and her friend had me take a similar one with their camera.