So Google announced Reader will shut down. So I migrated to Feedly. It is okay, but I will miss Reader just like I still miss Bloglines. (The current Bloglines is actually NetVibes which I hate.) A few weeks ago, I noticed one my categories displays in the left menu there are unread posts, but the…
Humans are fallible. Humans write the code. Therefore, there will be bugs in the code. But that is okay. Humans are smart. Humans can try new ways of working with the software until they find the way the programmer intended it to work. … Or they hire people like me to help them. So it…
Earlier today, a poll question asked on a Wimba conference about who often visits Behind the Blackboard. I was one of the few who checked that I do. Lately I enter the web site to track various tickets because the email notifications about updates only go to members of our functional group in response to updates…