This article has sat in the back of my mind for quite a while. It is one the major reasons I use Bloglines. I doubt we are being inundated by them. One can always hope…. Boing Boing: Badly behaved RSS readers gobble bandwidth Glenn Fleishman has posted some analysis of the impact of RSS aggregators…
Jeff is thinking about project management, feature/bug tracking, all-in-one. Me too. Though for right now, I would rather just get ticket management over email under control.
Technologies are not well thought out. Podcasters host MP3s on a web site. So any time a listener grabs it, they download it from the web site. In the case of someone with a limited bandwidth hosting plan, it is very possible for the bandwidth to be exceeded. Events like a major software provider (iTunes)…
Star Wars Force FX Lightsabers have made some act like kids in public places. Sounds like a ball!!
Rands in Repose has been on my mind lately and re-read. This gem of a web site contains descriptions of techie and management personalities that I recognize. Okay, several personality description are of me. NADD? My laptop connected to blogs and other web sites, a blaring TV, and desktop playing music, say “Totally!” I am…
I am not sure many of us take our personal security strongly enough. Nick Bradbury recently mentioned he had lied about being out of town in a previous entry. I say kudos!! There are too many cases where I see people put in their blogs when they will be out of town. In most of…
Even though I have blogs at LJ, Xanga, MySpace, and Friendster, I had to try to ressucitate my old main blog for Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric.