Tag: athens

  • Bling the Children Back Home @ Georgia Theater, originally uploaded by Ezra F. for AthFest 2007 Friday night. This was a fun band to which to listen and watch. http://myspace.com/blingthechildrenbackhome

  • Reactions

    The Athens NEWS: Athens’ Only Locally Owned Newspaper: Ohio University would be safer with concealed weapons on campus if those gaining such a permit had to be subjected to a strict screening process that included an annual mental-health checkup; criminal background check; and training in said firearms use, marksmanship and safety, including an inspection of…

  • Tasty World Bar, originally uploaded by sneezypb. A couple shots of the bar. Taken with ISO 1600 and held on the table. The shiny in front is the reflection off the finish of the table. I think this is my favorite picture of the last month. Read and post comments | Send to a friend

  • Tasty World Bar Originally uploaded by sneezypb. A couple shots of the bar. Taken with ISO 1600 and held on the table. The shiny in front is the reflection off the finish of the table. I think this is my favorite picture of the last month.

  • overheard in athens: Guy 1: Man, the grass on north campus is really tall. Guy 2: Your mother hasn’t been out to graze in a whle. I so miss 6th grade!

  • . The first grand democratic experiment in Athens was drivem by a movement of the demos–citizen-peasants–organizing to make the Greek oligarchs who were abusing their power accountable. Democracy is always a movement of an energized public to make elites responsible–it is at its core and most basic foundation the taking back of one’s powers in…