Tag: athens

  • Insect-ival


    Got some pictures down at the botanical garden today. Reviewed a few and posted them over at Freelove Photography (tagged Insect-ival). I’ll get everything on Flickr eventually. Insect-ival was cute. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but 400+ screaming kids wasn’t it. The best part was the butterfly release where the few stragglers who could…

  • Monopoly Fears

    Something brought up my abandoned Friendster blog, which had a link to fiftymillimeter which used to be my favorite photography site by people in Athens prior to me even moving here. Why “used to be”? Well over a year ago, they stopped posting to the site. Sad, I know. Still, I was curious, Where are…

  • Work for OIIT! Become our 4th DBA / technical support person for our team. Located in Athens, GA (college town, UGA football) $, benefits, generous leave, rare snow we love open source PDF of GeorgiaVIEW DBA position Check out the PDF (right) for more information. Sorry for the convoluted route to the application… Click this…

  • Mom had not planned on having an operation. So she drove to the Atlanta airport last Monday. Her car is in long term parking up there. Plan for getting Mom home from the plane tomorrow… 7:45am Arrive @ William’s house. 8:00am Leave for Atlanta. 11:00am Arrive @ Hartsfield-Jackson airport. 11:10am Park in Short Term parking.…

  • Dumbfounded By The Numbers

    Chancellor Eroll B. Davis Jr told the Georgia Board of Regents, “We grew essentially by a large university.” The USG gained 10,077 students (my alma mater has ~11,000) in a year. They calculate these fall term to fall term. In the same fall term to fall term time period, in the same same university system,…

  • links for 2007-11-22

    Photos taken in Georgia on Flickr! (tags: Georgia flickr) Photos taken in Athens on Flickr! (tags: Athens_GA flickr) Race, Class, and the Choice of Social-Networking Sites – Chronicle.com (tags: facebook myspace social)

  • Fear brings out the worst in people. Fear of change or the unknown manifests in criticism, anger, and overreaction. Yes, I am guilty of this like everyone else… I am not somehow above all this. The idea of democracy, I think, where everyone is able to provide input into the making of a decision was…

  • Athens Choral Society (tags: Athens_GA music)

  • Glimpse of Time Before Big Bang Possible – Yahoo! News “To see how far into history one might gaze, theoretical physicist Martin Bojowald at Pennsylvania State University ran calculations based on loop quantum gravity, one of a number of competing theories seeking to explain how the underlying structure of th (tags: cosmology science.astronomy universe science…