Tag: application

  • Much of what I might write in these posts about Vista is knowledge accumulated from the efforts of my coworkers. I’ve decided to do a series of blog posts on our presentation at BbWorld ’07, on the behalf of the Georgia VIEW project, Maintaining Large Vista Installations (2MB PPT). I wrote the bit about tracking…

  • So, you are a teaching an online class. Students cheating naturally is a concern. How does one prevent them from stealing answers? Code in the online class system? Unfortunately, the makers of the learning management systems lag behind the creativity of cheaters. Plus, they can only control their systems. How do they enforce security in…

  • Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) (tags: java performance tuning) Investigating Out of Memory and Memory Leak Pattern (tags: java bea performance tuning) Featured Download: Replace Microsoft Project with OpenProj – Lifehacker (tags: opensource projectmanagement)

  • WebRunner

    Linux.com :: Mozilla begets WebRunner, a site-specific browser: Nowadays, people are turning to Web-based applications as replacements for desktop applications. Web-based office suites, mail clients, multimedia apps, and general productivity tools are all extremely useful now, but standard Web browsers aren’t always the best option for running applications. To provide a more suitable tool for…

  • Last night was supposed to be easy. Shut down the Vista application, wait for a call after some work, and bring up the app. It was easy… at first. I got the app back online and continued poking after letting others know it was back in service. Satisfied all was well, I went to bed…

  • . Innovation at Risk (tags: books economics copyright patents law intellectualproperty) A Patent Is Worth Having, Right? Well, Maybe Not – New York Times (tags: copyright economics law patents intellectual_property) Contents (tags: oracle oracle.features database) Vista Ate My Homework (tags: blackboard resources webctvista.support webctvista.howto WebCT_Vista Blackboard_Vista) Show and Tell: Tips for a Successful Implementatio n…

  • Is it user error when the “user” is a techie? Is it user error when the “user” is an admin? Shouldn’t it be admin error, if the admin is deploying the application? Is it user error when the “user” is a developer? So deep… Deep in Java. Another brown something.

  • Hi guys, Um, English typically is read left-to-right and not right-to-left. So when I type in the address box, I’d really appreciate the flow of my typing to work in that direction as well. As a result, I would get “u.view.usg.edu” and not “ude.gsu.weiv.u”. Killing the process and starting a new one did resolve the…

  • Quote for the day: I spent all day working on a bad EAR. Oh, WebLogic and your deplorable… I mean, deployable… applications!