The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley My review rating: 5 of 5 stars Darwin’s theory of natural selection opened a can of worms. Matt Ridley adds to the support for the case by attempting to explain: Why sexual and not asexual reproduction? Why males and females? Why do…
This is America! Equality! Liberty! Democracy! Arizona has a bill S.B. 1108 to legislate the forbidding of student groups who are against the principles of America. Specifically democracy, capitalism, pluralism, and religious tolerance must be upheld by all. A founding principle of the United States was dissent. Disagreeing with King George III, British Parliament, and…
Last year, we three DBAs submitted three proposals thinking one might be accepted. All three were. Its daunting to think of something because we are behind the times. We run Vista 3.0.7 while almost everyone else is at least on 4.1.x or higher. Also, we ended up changing our presentations last year because we were…
Satires are an appropriate use of web2.0. What is the theme of web3.0? tag: bubble, web 2.0, blogging, millionaires, Facebook, crash, venture capital, blue shirts UPDATE: Boo! Video has been pulled. New version to appease the photographer.
Open letter to Flickr developers, Generally, I agree, writing with full capitalization (aka all caps) violates computer etiquette much to the chagrin to the computer literate. The illiterate obliviously walk into this trap. Lack of any capitalization lacks the capability to cause the same anger. That said, there are legitimate uses of full capitalization. Batman…
I really have to stop listening to the same song played over and over. It may affect my thinking…. We had another node crash due to the Sun JVM issue. Our start script failed to make a file in /var so the node did not become fully operational as expected. While waiting for those with…
Capital – (tags: statistics economics education government motivation)