It is unfortunate that the Taliban decided to destroy any non-Muslim artifacts in Afghanistan. Some fairly recent photos at Yahoo show that they destroyed 2 giant Buddhas thought to be over 1500 years old. I don’t quite understand the need to attack others that are different. For those of you that do not have it… I recommend…
Don’t I feel silly… boought this book Web Client Programming With Perl for about $15 on the bargin table. The recommended price is $30. The publisher has made the book available under their Open Books Project. A few good books are available there. Okay… I admit it… I am an advertising junkie. I don’t watch TV for…
Hmmmmmmmm…. “The one predominant duty is to find one’s work and do it.” — Charlotte Perkins Gilman, American economist, lecturer, author, and feminist
Hoping Lacey can say her lots soon… I’ll have to go to the store and buy some vitamin C. This way whenever someone in the office feels sick I’ll have that extra 2000 mg available to help increase my resistance. Working on making web sites available offline for a presentation for a faculty member. Seems a…
Yeah, I have been busy. Forms, pages, scripts… email… problems… phone… time to go home… well, in 1/2 and hour.
Interesting quote addressing the recent violence in schools. I’ll tell you what went wrong and it’s not TV, rap music, video games or a lack of prayer in school. What went wrong is that white Americans decided to ignore dysfunction and violence when it only affected other communities, and thereby blinded themselves to the inevitable…
Security Focus article titled Evaluating Anti-Virus Software for Home Use . Looks like a great reference on protecting one’s computer from viruses. Updated the movie list… apparently I am quickly approaching the 400 movie mark. Sad, isn’t it? Need to come up with a very scaleable storage solution. Right now I only have a 100 count…
Something that has tied my thoughts in knots for about a week now… this preoccupation many individuals claim to find my supposedly lofty intelligence intimidating bothers me. Really, I am not that intelligent… I usually score between a 126 to a 144 on IQ tests. School was a knack for me because teachers and testing…
Just checked to see if I qualify for DSL… low and behold, sure enough, I do… yet people who are closer to the central office than I cannot get DSL. Go figure! Lots of stuff to troubleshoot today. Can’t wait to break this message board thing… 🙂