An alternative to the flaky Netscape and the monopolistic Internet Explorer…Â Mozilla!!
Our new leather chairs are almost here. Okay, so we are geeky. They have more options and adjustments than a calculator. Can you tell I am excited?!?! Whipped up another web page on the President Bailey’s retirement. This one is about how he is not going anywhere until the presidential search concludes. This is just disturbing… If…
Atlanta Bread Company was good. Now… just need to have a nap before going back to work, right?
Wonder if I am supposed to go to the Campus Pipeline/WebCT/ SCT meeting? If Joe calls me I’ll go. If not, then I’ll be happy here plugging away. – – – – – A new Tom Wise article… Thin Blue Lies: Police and the Art of Propaganda.
One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures. –George W. Bush
I don’t get it…Â If you were the advertiser developing a program where people purchase 2 months free trial issues to magazines, then you probably would have a cover for each magazine to which people can subscribe. That seems pretty obvious. My problem is that the advertisement picture clearly shows Fortune magazine in the picture and…
Probably didn’t mention it yesterday, but my alternator died over the weekend. Was able to get it replaced under the warranty. Means I can drive again… hate not having a car (no public transportation). Another worry off my back!
Wonder who will be “the next big thing” in online Music? Napster is dead. I’ve heard good things about AudioGalaxy and iMesh. I’ve had some good experiences with Morpheus. Maybe there are just too many options? You almost have to have your finger on the pulse of the activity in order to find the good stuff. Back when Napster…
Three weeks ago, my grandmother was in London. She never drives her car faster than 35 so I took it out on the highway to get the carborator to burn off some buildup. Took the long way to Tally, but when I got there I spent an couple hours at Governor’s Square Mall. Found the…