Looks like implementing the stolen image script in the main directory of the web server just killed it. Apparently it creates so much of a load on the server that it cannot handle all of the requests and stops responding to those it does not have a child process available to handle the request. It…
My log rotation script failed? My banner was ugly? WTF? At least the Apache Mod_rewrite worked. Rewrote it from memory. My personal opinion/ observation: If the value of something exceeds $2 and there is no intention of replacing or paying for it, then do not call it borrowing.
Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! someone has a crush on me! Really?!?! I’m so excited… no, really… okay, I was kidding. More spam… Are you in debt? Increase Sales, Accept Credit Cards! (I am not in business for myself) INCREASE YOUR INTERNET BUSINESS (don’t have one in the first place) Anti-Aging Medical News… (hoping to die pretty young) Quit Smoking by this…
Now I am getting french spam… Femmes, Hommes, Couples ` la sexualiti dibridie Yesterday was fun. Found that lots of people were hitting graphics on our web server through eBay web pages. A few people I might overlook, but these were thousands of hits from a bunch of auctions. Pulled out my haxor tricks to…
Trying to finish up the redesigns of 2 web sites. A total overhaul of the Evening Program. An update and slight redesign of Judicial Affairs. Throw in some WebCT course creation, web site permissions mods, and setting up online surveys… well, you can see I am a busy guy right now.
The high estimate for fixing my car is $1200. That depends on how much the transmission will cost, obviously. Looks like it is time to look at another car.
My car effin died on me. Has to be something at the least moderately serious like the transmission or elsewhere in the drive train. Paul and Sue’s pig pull was kewl though. Reach right into the pig and pull out the meat you want. Was a good weekend. Tron on DVD is cool. Would like…
11 Computers 11 Nerds or Geeks Aliens Predators Marines Quake Team Arena Beer Mt. Dew 3 days of blood, guts, bullets, and death
Ran into Dee yesterday. Okay, so she looks a lot more sophisticated now than she did back in high school. She instantly recognized me, but couldn’t remember my name. Then again that was… 11 years ago? Just to be fair, here is my senior picture from the same site. Is this validation to my Lawful Good alignment?…