People seem to think it is pretty cold today. It is only 45F. I mean, that is shorts weather! Lots of work stuff happening. Password changes, updates to web sites, help desk questions. At least come next week things will be back to normal until a couple weeks before finals when everyone decided they need…
At the LAN party. We played at least 2 hours of Return to Wolfenstein and at least 3 hours of Aliens Versus Predator 2. Wow… that was a lot of playing yesterday. Others are playing RtCW online.
We knew this would happen sometime. The Internet reached its peak in 1999. Survey: Internet shrinks as domain numbers fall. Fewer domains were registered than not renewed. Guard-IE handles cookies, web bugs, pop-ups, and their ilk. Very innobtrusive. Think I could actually buy this one.
It seems that it is snowing outside. At least the South Georgia definition of snowing. The ground is too warm for it to stick… 🙁 Back in 7th grade it snowed like this and we got out of school. Somehow I doubt we will get out of work. Of course that day after school I…
Oh… forgot to mention that I made a few web pages for my personal web site. I plan on moving all the stuff like that off my work web site. Very nice spam… Please contact our office at 1-870-xxx-xxxx and set up another time. Thank you, Axxxxx Bxxx, Office Manager This was to no specified recipient…
“Computers can now keep a man’s every transgression recorded in a permanent memory bank, duplicating with complex programming and intricate wiring a feat his wife handles quite well without fuss or fanfare.” –Lane Olinghouse “Using a computer is a security hazard.” – JAN III Chinese proverb courtesy of OEnone: The person who says it cannot…
Last night watched a few Kevin Smith movies. My bro and I were supposed to have a Star Wars marathon. All 4 of the movies back-to-back. We still have time, I guess. Think I have contributed my part to LOTR: The Fellowship Of The Ring‘s opening. I have watched it 3 times and spent a…
Got a suit, a 20 GB hard drive, and couple history books on our trip down to Tally today. Resisted spending a lot of money. Got a great break on the suit. Apparently Ultra ATA and ATAPI are not compatible. Hopefully I can acquire an adapter. I got A History Of The Arab Peoples and…
Day After Christmas: When you get to kick back and attempt to understand what happened on Christmas. Watched Gallipoli and The Jackal on VHS (my DVD player is at mom’s from the incompleted Robotech marathon). Played lots of Perfect Dark, beating levels with simulant assistants. Found myself working on a list of favorites to publish…