This election mess in Zimbabwe got even messier. The president of that country has been kicking out international observers and foreign news media. The observers were kicked out because they would not agree to help him swing the election. The news media because they published or produced some critical pieces about his treatment of the…
Bought some computer books. Felt dirty after. Maybe it is cause I told myself earlier this morning that I would not buy any books?
Fasting is hard. Not supposed to eat between sunrise and sunset. I think it has made me a little irritable. Well, only 11 more days. 🙁
Realized while playing Warcraft that I play it like I play Risk. My usual strategy is to design a protective area where my forces can quickly react to threats. Once that is established, I will amass my forces to strike. My attack strategy is to cut the enemy’s supply line. When the enemy cannot amass…
Fasting is hard. Not supposed to eat between sunrise and sunset. I think it has made me a little irritable. Well, only 11 more days.
Going to install FreeBSD and some flavor of Linux on a workstation. Fun! This is to attempt to get closer to the environment in which this project I am working on was originally developed.
“By attempting to protect ourselves from viruses we are preventing the realization of artificial intelligence. So we should open all of our ports and remove the logins.” — J This was sarcasm, I think. I did find it very amusing.
Hard getting started this morning… ugh.
Hard getting started this morning… ugh.