Ugh. Monday. Nuff said. Only 2 more hours…
Tech Good. These software vendors bitch when someone announces a vulnerability. When they are given prior notice about the vulnerability they drag their feet. I would give vendors a chance and just announce vulnerabilities for vendors that obviously drag their feet like Microsoft. Patch or No, Flaws to Go Public No patch for Windows 98 or…
Local: School sanctions students for cheating and turns around and makes the class “collaborative”. So because students were collaborating prior to it being legit they get 0s or suspensions. Seems a little bogus to punish students who were collaborating even prior to the change in the rules. You’ve recognized that the students need to collaborate. |…
Should I ask to be able to come in late in order to catch the World Cup games? Most of the games are 5am or 7:30am. Figure there is no way I could watch all the games. There 12 games I want to see. Maybe I could narrow it down to 4 or 5. Final, Semis, and a…
Should I ask to be able to come in late in order to catch the World Cup games? Most of the games are 5am or 7:30am. Figure there is no way I could watch all the games. There 12 games I want to see. Maybe I could narrow it down to 4 or 5. Final, Semis, and a…
That is me in front of the windows. This was taken at the office retirement party today. Here is another one with me (way in the back) in line for food earlier.
Posted some office party pictures on the web. Here is one that actually has me in it. I am in the center right in front of the window. More office party pictures… set 1 and set 2.
Posted some office party pictures on the web. Here is one that actually has me in it. I am in the center right in front of the window. More office party pictures… set 1 and set 2.
Companies which insinuate someone has a crush on you are evil. The bastards should be taken out like last year’s garbage. It saddens me that people cannot tell the difference between a hoax and the real deal. Maybe I’ve been around too many intelligent people all my life? I’ve come to expect too much of…