From a spam… “Unhappy with your Breast size?” uh… yeah. I’d like them to be smaller. They have been known to be larger than some females I know. As a guy that is just embarassing.
The 4th was a good day off of work. No problems. Got to do the rounds and see some friends. Good food. Great company.
The 4th was a good day off of work. No problems. Got to do the rounds and see some friends. Good food. Great company.
Brasil rocked. The fiery Brasilians took down the ice-cold German defense.
Brasil rocked. The fiery Brasilians took down the ice-cold German defense.
Internet OMG… Isn’t it time for an artificial intelligence tool to offer artificial common sense? To simply look at these sorts of sites and messages and say, “Hey, don’t be a moron!” and shuffle the user off to someplace safe like Gullibility Rules – CIO Tech Tact – June 3, 2002
“Are you a babe magnet?” No, but my brother is.
Everyone wants to set me up with a nice young lady they know. Friends, co-workers, and family have good intentions. Don’t mind them making the attempt. Guess they know me so I feel okay with them wanting to make me happy. I do draw the line at Internet sites advertising dating services. Seems offensive to…
Brasil v. Germany for the World Cup title. Going to be an awesome game at 6:30 am EDT.