Wrote a post. At the last second, I made it private. Dithering over whether or not to make it public. Probably not…. unless I make significant changes.
Added a new picture to the page. Yeah, that really is me in a nice shirt. That was taken in 2001, I think. Preserved Comment: AlanaNightingale: Beautimous
Added a new picture to the page. Yeah, that really is me in a nice shirt. That was taken in 2001, I think.
Almost bought yet another thing I cannot afford, but really want. Want 2 sticks of 512 MB DDR for my computer. It was only $132. Finger hung over the button as I mulled over whether or not I should. Finally, I hit the Buy button. They needed my username and password. Fortunately, I have no idea…
Almost bought yet another thing I cannot afford, but really want. Want 2 sticks of 512 MB DDR for my computer. It was only $132. Finger hung over the button as I mulled over whether or not I should. Finally, I hit the Buy button. They needed my username and password. Fortunately, I have no idea…
Only 2 hours left in the work day and have not started any of the goals I wanted to complete today. Ugh. Did get pics of my office online.
Only 2 hours left in the work day and have not started any of the goals I wanted to complete today. Ugh. Did get pics of my office online.
Tip for Macromedia: Just because you can, does not mean you should! Had to install the Flash 6 plug-in just to get product support. Ugh!?!?
Tip for Macromedia: Just because you can, does not mean you should! Had to install the Flash 6 plug-in just to get product support. Ugh!?!?