w00t!!! time 2 download warez, vids, & make friends suffer the wait of a respawn! I came close to winning an SOF2 bout last night. W00t! In the last 2 minutes I couldn’t find anyone to keep my lead. Sux0rz! Got 2nd, tho. This is a pretty kewl article… National guardman changed his name to a toy…
I came close to winning an SOF2 bout last night. W00t! In the last 2 minutes I couldn’t find anyone to keep my lead. Sux0rz! Got 2nd, tho. This is a pretty kewl article… National guardman changed his name to a toy
w00t!!! time 2 download warez, vids, & make friends suffer the wait of a respawn!
I’ve noticed that I frequently write responses to emails solely for my own benefit. The email was never really meant to be sent. However, opinions need to be developed, even scathy and rude ones. By writing the response, I am putting all my thoughts and feelings and ventings into words. Thankfully, I also have the courtesy…
I’ve noticed that I frequently write responses to emails solely for my own benefit. The email was never really meant to be sent. However, opinions need to be developed, even scathy and rude ones. By writing the response, I am putting all my thoughts and feelings and ventings into words. Thankfully, I also have the courtesy…
I only thought I was going to send that post. It got lost in cyberspace I guess. Oops. It has been a really long day. Had about 3 things on my list that I absolutely wanted finished today. Not a one of them is done.
I only thought I was going to send that post. It got lost in cyberspace I guess. Oops. It has been a really long day. Had about 3 things on my list that I absolutely wanted finished today. Not a one of them is done.
So before dinner I got this JavaScript stuff working in Internet Explorer. One major problem? It doesn’t work in Mozilla, Netscape 4.x, or Netscape 7.x. So, I knew it had to be something to do with the lack of standards. Turns out it is. Internet Explorer has its own proprietary methods. Netscape had their own…
So before dinner I got this JavaScript stuff working in Internet Explorer. One major problem? It doesn’t work in Mozilla, Netscape 4.x, or Netscape 7.x. So, I knew it had to be something to do with the lack of standards. Turns out it is. Internet Explorer has its own proprietary methods. Netscape had their own…