Category: VSU Web Services

  • Got a Sun Ultra 10 box at work. Very sweet. Plan to do some prototyping and play with all kinds of UNIX stuff. Going to be a fun weekend. NOTHING work related! See ya,

  • Got one of these at work… P4 1.3 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 20 GB hard drive. Hoping to get an internal CD-RW for it. Will have to attach the SCSI scanner and USB Zip to it. Prolly will have to rebuild from scratch again. Means I will have to wait until things settle down. Problems with…

  • Kewl layout at the technorigami pita. Formatting the hard drive, creating partitions, and installing Windows 2k!!! Woohoo! If you actually understood that let me know by leaving a comment. Kewl… up and running on the new machine. Happy now. Time to go home. Lacey has moved cities and now sites. She can’t keep anything too static otherwise…

  • 2 possibilities: CP 2.2.1 is more stable than 2.1.1 or Joe has been hiding the crashes. Hopefully the former. 2.1.1 rarely made it over 2 weeks without at least 1 crash. 2.2.1 has gone at least 2 weeks so far. There is another “helpful” virus on the scene…TROJ_ALLGRO.A. This one sends and attachment tells you it…

  • SSH Shell closed? Nope… now check.

  • Lets see… * WebCT import? Check. * Answered the WebCT/Campus Pipeline email? Check. * Reinstalled Zone Alarm? Check. * Fixed that anchor problem for Macs? Check. * Trillian off? Check. * Outlook Off? Check. Think I can go home now… only 1.5 hours late… *sigh* Long weekend next weekend. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm….

  • Lacey: auto-archiving here [Pitas] would be cool. Over at LiveJournal they show the most recent 25 and give you the option to view older. (answered you here if only to make you read my Pita more) Just when I thought the WebCT Rush of 2001 was over…. maybe next week? *sigh* Too many movies open this week… Jay…

  • Day 3 of Hell Week is almost over… *sigh*

  • Campus Pipeline, WebCT, E-mail, Enabled, Disabled, Account Status Expired, You must use a character from the 0 character set. Rrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhttttt!!!! I’ll go back into my hole now.