Have script to email me the daily contents of the logs for machines. One email with all the info I could desire about what was going on. All of these viruses suck. Going to experiment with online voting. Product of choice can integrate with LDAP, uses a MySQL database, and uses SSL. Impressive.
Found this Friday. Someone has too much time to do Monty Python and the Holy Grail in LEGOs. Impress all the same. Saw Harry Potter Saturday. Thought the movie was pretty good. I’ve read some of the reviews and think some people need to get off the idea that the written word is canon. Movies are a…
Looking at Mediterranean dessert recipes for Med Night Cuilinary Guild. Some ideas: Date with bananas Baklava Baked apples with honey syrup (actually my mom made this once when I was a kid… I loved it) Will probably do the baked apples. Much easier than Baklava. The last thing I cooked was (and pizzas do not count)……
Hmmmmmmmmmmm… that is the first time I have EVER installed Apache with SSL and had it work the first time. Then again, it was a Linux box, not Solaris. SurveyPro is a major pain in my ass…
Looks like implementing the stolen image script in the main directory of the web server just killed it. Apparently it creates so much of a load on the server that it cannot handle all of the requests and stops responding to those it does not have a child process available to handle the request. It…
My log rotation script failed? My banner was ugly? WTF? At least the Apache Mod_rewrite worked. Rewrote it from memory. My personal opinion/ observation: If the value of something exceeds $2 and there is no intention of replacing or paying for it, then do not call it borrowing.
Now I am getting french spam… Femmes, Hommes, Couples ` la sexualiti dibridie Yesterday was fun. Found that lots of people were hitting graphics on our web server through eBay web pages. A few people I might overlook, but these were thousands of hits from a bunch of auctions. Pulled out my haxor tricks to…
Trying to finish up the redesigns of 2 web sites. A total overhaul of the Evening Program. An update and slight redesign of Judicial Affairs. Throw in some WebCT course creation, web site permissions mods, and setting up online surveys… well, you can see I am a busy guy right now.
Just got a copy of Lynx. For the uninformed, it is a text based brower from the old days. Apparently it is one of those projects that is still being developed. Latest release was 10 Jul 2001.