Category: Education

  • People seem to think that I am a very abstract person and can visualize anything without having to see it. Things with which I am very familiar do fall under that category, but when I dip out of my element I have to see it. The amount of information I parse just by looking at…

  • Party’s over… back to work! Lots of catchup since I was out Friday.  

  • It is amazing how such things as being kicked out of your natural environs changes normal behavior. Can’t seem to find much time to post here with all the other things happening. Busy days get even busier. Keep telling myself, “Just make it to next week and things will slow down.” Rrrriiiiiiggggghhhhhhttttt!! Click, click, click,…

  • Local: School sanctions students for cheating and turns around and makes the class “collaborative”. So because students were collaborating prior to it being legit they get 0s or suspensions. Seems a little bogus to punish students who were collaborating even prior to the change in the rules. You’ve recognized that the students need to collaborate. |…

  • Posted some office party pictures on the web. Here is one that actually has me in it. I am in the center right in front of the window. More office party pictures… set 1 and set 2.

  • It has been a long day. I did help make graduation go off. My crazy slick cool copy-n-paste skills saved the day! Now to go home vege…. Some TV or a movie. Think the news media is a little hyper-aware of plane crashes now. Yahoo! News – Egyptian Plane Crashes in Tunisia and BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Airliner…

  • Feel like playing the Daft Punk remix… the lyric “One more time” is just too appropriate. New operating system installation on my new box. Slow day so far this morning. I like slow days. Don’t accomplish any more on slow days cause people are in my office or the phone rings just frequently enough to…

  • Work Saturday morning was not terrible. I hear we were complimented. Noticed I had a tendency to cradle my hands in front of me. Think that is a weird nervous habit. Went driving yesterday afternoon. Followed this “bike trail” for 75 miles. Figure it must go across the state along some of the most backwater…

  • My new second workstation is a SunBlade 100. It replaces a Sun Ultra 10 that died on me. I am excited! Turned down the 18.1″ LCD monitor though. I like my 21″ beast. A friend got her a new job. Excited for her. Waiting for patches to complete on my new Sun. Going to install Apache…