Category: Education

  • Checklists are a necessary complication to simplify overly complicated processes. This past week I have created 2. There are usually about 5-7 different places that have to be checked. Invariably, I miss one item as it takes 5-10 minutes to do all this. Something always interrupts. Deaprtment Web Site Tech Change Checklist is for every time…

  • No plans for this weekend. Well, I do have an election system to get operational, test, and have ready to go Monday at midnight. When I found out I was supposed to do it less than 6.5 days before it would be done, I thought maybe it would not be so bad. The old system…

  • Taking a break from another LAN party: Mortal Lamer Kombat Work has been… very, very, very busy.  

  • Ugh. I am finally reachable, I guess. Have a cell phone with voicemail and all that. Painful initiative I was thinking I should undertake but was also resisting. The straw was some of our servers went down the night before Thanksgiving due to a power failure. I didn’t know until my boss called to say…

  • I think I have to respect the ability to put on make up while driving. I would never do such a thing myself since I do not wear make up, of course. Naturally, it is illegal here to drive while talking on a cell phone. Yet, one can put on make up while driving. Go…

  • Made the paper twice in one day: New WebCT upgrade currently being tested Viruses, spam, Pipeline upgrades await VSU users Go me? LAN Party tomorrow night… woooooot! Setup tonight. Death, destruction, and mucho caffeine the next 2 nights. 12 hours driving the day after. WOOOOT!

  • Here is an article on computer viruses, spam, and the new portal for which I was interviewed for the Spectator, the university student news paper. Josh Stone Campus computers are getting sick from e-mail viruses and spam, but Information Technology staff members say they have medicine to fight the problem. “We can’t really eliminate them, but we…

  • Yes, I realize that I have been lax lately about updating this. Probably it is all the hours I’ve spent trying to get the impending deadlines completed. Hell, I haven’t read a news article or played a video game since last week. Thankfully, this latest rush will be over next week.  

  • All nighter working on servers. Ugh. Time for sleep.