Category: Instructional Technology

  • Supposedly this is the future. Students helping each other rather than looking to the teacher. Instead of long boring lectures, students get short videos. If the below does not work, then try Peter Norvig: The 100,000-student classroom.

  • There is a story circulating that the iPad improves Kindergartners literacy scores. This title implies the hardware device or iOS is responsible for the improvements when much more likely there are specific applications responsible. After all, putting an Mac in a classroom with software designed to help literacy is more likely to improve literacy than…

  • The new buzz is a possible deal between legislators and Apple where Georgia middle school students may get iPads instead of textbooks. It is an interesting move. This sounded like it was about state money.  So I was curious about the math. Assuming the $40 million a year for text books applies for all 1.3…

  • The wild, wild, web is a dangerous place to be if you want to think critically. C’mon, really now… who expects students to think while doing an assignment for a class in which they are not engaged. School has become an endeavor to do what is minimally necessary to get the grade desired. Maybe it…