Sometimes I miss not having cable or satellite. Have been catching Battlestar Galactica on Sci-Fi at my mom’s. OMG. I rather like it. Had to get over the female Starbuck and Asian female Boomer. The Pharoh Viper helmets are gone. Also, the hottest female on the show is? A Cylon. WTF? The plot is rather decently complex…
Maybe I could somehow be classified as an endangered species? Would get to sit in a cage every day and mess with people’s heads over the cute things I do. Could get to see the world as my keepers try to get me to mate. 😀 Like that panda. The last real snow here was 1989. The…
Here is an article on a WebCT upgrade for which I was interviewed for the Spectator, the university student news paper. Mirabai Oyao WebCT now has an upgrade available and VSU expects it to start operating after graduation in December. “In the past we have been hesitant about upgrading our [VSU’s] system because we [the…
Waiting for the network to go down, so I am surfing the Web… 🙂
Here is an article on a online elections for which I was interviewed for the Spectator, the university student news paper. Kate Gaulding SGA election polls will open for senator candidates next Tuesday at midnight. Cody Guined, SGA president, said the polls will be open 24 hours online on the VSU web page. Only online voting…